jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Let´s explore the verb TO BE usage

Remember how to use verb to be.

Taken from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEijqrTg-hqkHU98cCppcuTcP5ejnjpnorSab4nDGbs01RDAkC4fbFRgqVt_GQUqWe97AGEsVkVeiCmYhHbFkOyi42Et-oRXAbHV6lAuo7gwhG1zRf2i-qo5U-rAElcakxILhyBfFVsJDE5Q/s1600/verb+to+be.jpg



AM  ------------- Marge dice: 
I am Marge,
I am Homero’s wife and 
am Bart´s and Lisa's mother. 

You ARE -------- Marge dice:
You are my sons. 
You are my dirty.


He IS---------- Marge dice:
He is Homero
He is my Husband.

She IS --------- Homero dice:
She is Lisa.
She is my Beautiful daughter. 
She is saxophonist.

It IS ---------- Lisa dice:
It is my cat, 
It is black. 
It is pretty.


We ARE ------- La familia dice: 
We are the  simpsons, we are a family, we are togetherforever.


They ARE ------ Marge dice: 
They are my parents, 
they are old, 
they are ugly.  

Now let´s practice.       


Complete the sentence with the correct verb to be form.

1.  It ____ a rainy day.
2.  I _____ in the school now.
3.  They ____ chinese.
4.  ____ we from Colombia?.
5.  My name ____ Andrés.
6.  We ____ at Envigado. who ____ you?
7.  It _____ a bird singing. what ___ it?
8.  I ____ Maria. Who ____ you?
9.  Clara and Steve ____ married but Santiago ____ single.
10.             She_____ an English teacher. She _____ Beatriz.


Complete the boxes according to the verb or the pronoun.

Today  Wednesday. It  10 o'clock in the afternoon.The Students   at school.
The Classroom  big and nice. is on the board . The Door  purple.
The window  closed. They   four girls and three boys in the classroom.
We  on the chairs. Only one boy    on the floor. His name  Andrés.
Roberto  working with a map. His bag  on the green map. The teacher  standing next to the desk.
He  talking now. The children   not listening to him.They  drawing and making noise. 


1.   María ______  my friend.
   a. am      b. is          c. are

2.   The Desk _______ brown.
   a. am       b. is        c. are

3.   Salome and I  ______ happy.
   a. am        b. is        c. are

4.   The Spring ______ hot.
   a. am       b. is       c. are

5.   It ________   late.
   a. am        b. is      c. are

6.   Rabbits ______ funny.
   a. am       b. is        c. are

7.   ______Tami and Rina  pupils?.
   a. am        b. is        c. are

8.  My jacket______ blue and pink.
   a. am        b. is       c. are

9.  Dana and I______ teachers.
   a. am        b. is        c.are

10. The sun ______ big.
   a. am        b. is      c. are

11. They _______  not at home now.
   a. am        b. is       c. are

12. is _____ a rainy day?.
   a. it        b. is       c. am


Taken from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh0ah71J9DPCcMn6DPqojxlPmY5z9qetyMz8gqNyKgY_5QsYTeQuELkd67st25KVPhgAn7I54j1VFL9gWA-f1A4f3Jm6xgtrHmYzooziz8vvZ0QcT-hzE0k1C16Hb_NJIg9HVp1kLQbELM/s1600/verb-to-be.jpg

